Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Bussiness Letter

Writing business letter

•  Strike the right tone. Time is money, as the saying goes, and most business people hate to waste time. The tone of your letter, therefore, should be brief and professional. Make your letter a quick read by diving straight into the matter and keeping your comments brief in the first paragraph. For instance, you can always start with "I am writing you regarding..." and go from there.
•   Use personal pronouns. It is perfectly fine to use “I,” “we,” and “you” in your business letter. Refer to yourself as “I” and your reader as “you.”
•   Write clearly and concisely. Let your reader know exactly what you are trying to say. Your reader will only respond quickly if your meaning is crystal clear. In particular, if there is some result or action you want taken because of your letter, state what it is. Explain your position in as few words as possible.
•   Use the active voice. When describing a situation or making a request, make sure to choose the active voice, rather than the passive voice. The passive voice can make your writing ambiguous or impersonal. In addition, the active voice is more streamlined and straight to the point.
•   Be conversational when appropriate. Letters are written by people to people. Avoid form letters if possible. You cannot build a relationship with canned impersonal letters. However, stay away from colloquial language or slang such as "you know," "I mean," or "wanna." Keep the tone businesslike, but be friendly and helpful.
•   Be courteous. Even if you are writing with a complaint or concern, you can be courteous. Consider the recipient's position and offer to do whatever you can, within reason, to be accommodating and helpful.
•  Use “second page” letterhead for additional pages. Most business letters should be concise enough to be one page in length only. But if you have something lengthier, such as a contract or legal findings, you may need additional pages. Use “second page” letterhead, which usually has an abbreviated address and is made of the same type of paper as the first page letterhead.
•  Wrap it up. In the last paragraph, summarize your points and clearly outline either your planned course of action or what you expect from the recipient. Note that the recipient may contact you with questions or concerns, and say thank you for his or her attention to the letter/matter at hand.

Sample of Business Letter :

Arjuna Rahayu, Inc.
123 Alphabet Drive
Cilegon, Banten

15 Oktober 2016

Mr. Krisna
General Manager
Maspion, Inc.

Dear Ms. Smith:

It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference last week. As we discussed, I sincerely believe that the widget gizmo produced by Arjuna Rahayu, Inc. can greatly streamline your production process. If you are still willing, I would like to bring some of the key members of my team along with me to meet with you at Electronic Supply Provider, Inc. We would like to give you an overview of our services and discuss with you the best plan to suit your needs.

Meeting in person would allow us to fully evaluate your wants and needs. Our team is available to meet any time this week or next. Please let me know, at your earliest convenience, when you would be available.


Thomas Pamuji Jaya
Vice President of Arjuna Rahayu, Inc.

Member name :

Thomas Pamuji Jaya (28113871)
Hadyan Milzam (23113821)
Zhafril Trisna (29113671)
Yayang Puji (29113414)

Part Of Bussiness Letter

Business Letter

Today almost all companies prioritize writing a cover letter is in English, the company intends to show the meaning of English to interact in the company, because the English language is the language that should be understood. The following sections will explain about what is contained in the letter of the business ..

let's see .. !!

Part of a Business Letter :
1. Letter Head
2. Reference Line
3. Date Line
4. Inside Address
5. Attention Line
6. Salutation
7. Subject Line
8. Body Of Line
9. Complimentary Close
10. Signature
11. Enclosure
12. Carbon Copy Notation

Of the twelve points above, will be explained the function of each is as follows :

1. Letter head
The letterhead is :
An identity that contains the logo, name, address and phone of the sender of the letter. Sample the letterhead :

2. Reference Line
In the English-language letters usually contain the letters before the name of the executive who signed the letter, followed by a slash or a colon, then the name of the letter typist. Some companies add a code or a specific number based on their file systems. Reference is placed above the top of the letter date.

Example :
Your ref: 22 March 2004
Our Ref: BS / KF

3. Date Line
It contains the date, month and year of manufacture of the letter. The date is below the return address. For the month of writing should be written with the name of the month, not written explanation numbers. Because it can be confusing. The format of writing the correct date August 17, 2012.

British English
In British English, the day before the month is usually written. If we want, we can add the suffix numbers rise (st, nd, rd, or th). Preposition of before the month is usually omitted. We can put a comma before the year, but this is not common anymore in British English. Example: 26 (th) (of) January (,) 2011

American English
In American English we can also write the date simply by using numbers. The most common are :Example: 3/11/09 or 3-11-09

It should be noted that usually means the date 11/03/09, 3 November 2009 in British English and in American English can mean dated March 11, 2009. To avoid this confusion, you have to spell out the month or use abbreviations.

4. Inside Address
Contains information that contains the location of the recipient of the recipient's name, address, zip code, country. Examples destination address :

Beginning with the company's name or the name of the person, if there is a name of the degree must be used before the name of greetings such as Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mr, M. Sc, Dr., Prof., Captain, Major, Colonel, General. This address can also begin with a job title or department (if you do not know the name): Sales Manager, Account Department. Items that follow :

- Name-house or building number and street name-building city name and zip code.

5. Attention Line
Is an alternative to placing the recipient's name in the address ..

6. Salutation
Contains greeting to initiate the contents of a letter.

If you know the name and gender of the recipient of the letter was written with the following format: Dear Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr + surname. Example: "Dear Mr. Tarzan" or written without gender "Dear Tarzan"
The use of punctuation in use British Style Salutation written without punctuation (semicolon or comma) and the American Style use the colon.
Dear Mr. Tarzan => examples in the British Style
Dear Mr. Tarzan: => examples in American Style


7. Subject Line
This section is a line that contains subject matter that represents the contents of the letter. Subject was placed in the left top of the letter.

Writing subject using British Style : Subject placed between the Salutation and the contents of the letter.

Writing subject using American Style : Subject placed on Salutation.

8. Body Of Line
The content of the letter containing the reason or purpose of the letter.

9. Complimentary Close
Regards cover is often used is our respect, respect me, greeting reverence, and wasalam. In the official letter no use closing greeting.

The important thing to note in regards writing cover are :

- Initial greeting cover letter is written with a capital letter
- Writing end closing greeting commas.

Greetings Closing the strongest association with Greetings. Usually there are some rules that need our attention. The presentation also differs between British English and American English as the following explanation :
British English
1. If you use the recipient's name on the letter Greetings, the greeting is closing "Yours sincerely" or "Sincerely yours".
2. If you do not use the name of the recipient on Greetings, the greeting cap its is "Yours faithfully" or "Faithfully yours".
American English
Use "Sincerely" or "Sincerely yours", for all cases, which would you use the recipient's name or not. In the email, you can use the following to cap its greeting :
1. Regards
2. kind regards
3. Best wishes

10. Signature
Serves to convince the recipients, the recipient of the signature can be more confident with what you have written, also include your name or a title that you get.

11. Enclosure
Aims to write additional attachments that can be viewed by recipients.

12. Carbon Copy Notation

This section is used to inform the recipients of the letter, that the letter was also sent to those who need to know the contents of the letter. CC was placed in the left bottom of the letter. Example: CC: Finance Department.

Member name :

Thomas Pamuji Jaya (28113871)
Hadyan Milzam (23113821)
Zhafril Trisna (29113671)
Yayang Puji (29113414)

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